Nia M Wardani | A Logbook of Life Discoveries

5 Reseller Business Ideas that You Can Do As A Side Hustle



joining reseller program as side hustle

Tight on a budget? You might think to find a side hustle to earn more in addition to your monthly salary. Doing a reseller business as a side hustle might be a good choice since you don’t need much time and energy to do that. Business owners that open reselller programs usually provide their resellers with ready-to-use advertising materials. The only thing you do is share them on your social media during your break time.

What kind of products will be good for a reseller business? This article will give you several ideas of products you can choose.

1. Books

This is my personal experience. Around the fourth year of teaching, I decided to open a book business. I contacted a book distributor and registered myself with them as a reseller. The business had its ups and downs, but it is still thriving today.

I choose books because books won’t last. Even preloved books are still high in demand.

2. Perfume

As long as you are interacting with people, you always want to smell good. More than that, many people wear perfume to create their personal branding. They want to smell nicely, but differently.

Sell perfumes of various scents. Every person has their own liking. Once, they are hooked with a specific scent, they would always buy the same perfume from you.

Find a perfume maker that can provide you with a huge variety of scents. offers various aromas at competitive prices. Their reseller program also provides product promotion materials and education on how to sell your perfumes effectively.

3. Outfits

Fashion changes rapidly. Today, people wear outfits, not only to cover their bodies but also to look trendy. I remember when my friends intentionally chose different outfits for every event so that they would never be photographed with the same outfit for two separate events.

I am not only talking about tops and skirts or trousers. I am also talking about headwear, footwear, and accessories. There is no end to it.

You can also choose to focus on kid's fashion. Who can resist those cute little colorful dresses? Or T-shirts with cute animal patterns and “Mama’s Forever Little Baby” written on them? Even aunts will save some of their money to buy their nieces and nephews some cute clothes as a present.

4. Kitchen Utensils

Instagrammable kitchens are trending these days. Look at those minimalistic or shabby-chic theme kitchens on Instagram. A beautiful kitchen will be a mood booster for working moms who still need to prepare dinner after a long day of work.

Innovations in kitchen utensils are never-ending. Several years ago, we would have never thought about air fryers. But today, you can even choose types of different air fryers for your kitchen.

5. Educational Toys

Every parent will only give the best for their children. When they believe a product will be beneficial for their children’s development, they will unhesitantly spend their budget on such a product.

When you are selling educational toys, you must equip yourselves with some knowledge about kid’s development. Listen to what mothers usually complain about their children, and show how your product can be the solution to such a problem.

Choosing the toy producers that are well aware of this matter, however, is quite tricky. Also, choose the one that provides safety assurance to their product since little kids can chew or drop their toys. These producers usually provide videos on how these toys can be played along with other marketing materials.

Those are 5 product ideas that you can sell as a reseller. The benefits are that you don’t have to handle how it will be produced and you can do the marketing in-between your working schedule. I hope this article will help you to earn more from being a reseller as a side hustle. See you in the next post.
Nia M Wardani
Hi! Call me Nia. I am a former teacher with ten years of teaching experience. I left formal teaching and found my peace through private tutoring, blogging, and gardening. My mission is to help other teachers improve their lives. Let's get in touch through my Instagram @nmwardani
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  1. Yes agree i like be reseller book, parfum, educational toys, kitchen utensil. Recommended

  2. I am interested in educational toys because they also last a long time and their benefits can be used for several generations.

  3. Beberapa bidang usaha diatas sebenarnya ada yang musiman ya mbak. Misal baju tiap hari raya atau saat ada event tertentu. Tapi bisa lah ya dicoba, lumayan buat mengisi kegabutan, kerjaannya nggak berat banget tapi tetep dapet cuan. Siapa yang nggak pengen? Hehehe.

  4. There are many selling ideas that we can try to increase our monthly income. Reseller books is a good idea, especially in an environment that makes books a priority.


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