Nia M Wardani | A Logbook of Life Discoveries

It’s 2025, but I Still Can’t Leave Blogging!

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It’s 2025, but I Still Can’t Leave Blogging!

Hi, how are your first weeks of 2025 going? I hope this year starts well for you.

A new year can give us a push to a new start. The moment you change your old calendar to the new one, and move on to a new planner, is like opening a new fresh page to your life.

Although in my religion, it is forbidden to celebrate the new year, I can’t help but feeling the surge of newness as the first day of January unfolding. Especially when you opened last year’s notes, reviewing them back, and transfers the ideas you might have long forgotten to the fresh pages of the new planner.

Last year, my calendar was full. Although I stayed at home after resigning from my full-time job as a teacher, I still have plenty of activities on my plate: doctor’s appointments, facilitating an online class for a zero waste community, alumnae meetings, blogging challenges and webinars, online tutoring, etc. My days were sooo packed!

On the other hand, this year’s calendar is still empty. I took a break for most of those activities (except tutoring because I already have an agreement with a school). I want to focus more on helping my husband with starting up a new graphic design business. It is a commitment I made with my husband so that both of us can achieve our financial goals faster this year.

Two weeks passed, but oh, God! I really missed writing on my blogs. So, here I am, typing whatever I want to say today. Who can keep me from writing? Only God and the strength of my will.

SEO experts always suggest that we write according to what readers are willing to know more. But, sorry, Google, today I am only going to let out whatever comes to my mind. Maybe any readers will find me and resonate with my thoughts, and maybe not. Today, it doesn’t matter.

At this fresh beginning of the year, I also want a fresh beginning for my blog. Maybe a change in colors? I think I currently need something brighter than this brown colors to cheer myself up a little bit. What color do you suggest?

Maybe more posts about personal stories? This won’t reach as much traffic as if I follow the keyword research techniques I have just learned last year. But let’s find more people who really care about what I want to say. Maybe this way, I reach more people who want to stay longer with me and come back one day after they leave this blog. Maybe I can find more friends.

People say blogging is no longer relevant. Short videos are more popular these days. Why don’t I move to TikTok, Reels, or Shorts?

Maybe most people need more entertainment, but I need a long form of writing to let out what's been inside my head. Blogging is my personal need. This is the only place (other than my husband) where I can be talkative and feel comfortable.

I can’t imagine myself talking for a long time about what people think as ‘abur cubur’. My only long-form video was a lesson video for my teaching profession certification program. Also a big no for video editing, etc. It is sooo time consuming, Maybe for later, but not for now.

*Abur cubur : has a similar meaning to trash-talking in Turkish.

So, this is the time to say goodbye. To those who found me here thinking I am trash-talking here, thank you for visiting! Maybe we will have another chance to be friends.

And to those who stay and visit this blog regularly, thank you for your support! You will know me better and better by reading my later posts. And I would really like to also know you, so please make sure you leave a comment. If you also have a blog, don’t hesitate to introduce your blog in the comment, I might come to visit your blog. However, as we already know, please don’t leave a clickable link (else, I might not want to moderate your comment!).

May you be more alive this year! Ciao!
Nia M Wardani
Hi! Call me Nia. I am a former teacher with ten years of high school physics teaching experience. I left formal teaching and found my peace through private tutoring, blogging, and gardening. Let's get in touch through my Instagram @nmwardani

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