Nia M Wardani | A Logbook of Life Discoveries

Blogging Challenge - Day 1: Learning from Parents

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 Hi, there!

It's been a while since my last post in this blog. It's been quite busy as usual, but you know at some moment, it feels more overwhelming than other days.

I decided to retake posting again as a habit. I have just started using Google Calendar to manage my goals, one of them is blogging. One hour a day won't hurt. Also I got a new Chromebook for myself. A bit treat, I guess :) It makes now a lot easier to login and write immediately.

This week my husband got his chance for doing Work From Home (finally after this terrible condition, I don't know why his company still urge people to come to the office in person for things that actually can be done online, even more interesting because now people are starting 'new normal' that this decision look months late). We could finally visit our parents hometown for a moment, got a new license plate for our motorbike. It's been frustrating for my parents in law because they could not meet their children and grandchildren for months. In several hours that we stayed there, we talked a lot. A lot.

We heard what we have never heard. How parents can also be stressed as they are raising their kids. They have never shared it with us like this previously. Sharing this at this moment means that they trust us as adult kids now. We would usually see our parents as superheroes. But now they show us that they are humans. There are things that they cannot just let go. There are things that they regret. There are things that make them sad.

Somehow after hearing them I feel more comfortable as an adult. It's not that I cannot do what my parents are capable of doing. But rather it takes time to learn being great parents like them. What I have been through, they had been there, too. They have lived it well, so will I. It just takes time, and a lot of patient.

They also showed me what my future responsibilities are. They showed me to see through the future, to get ready. But instead of putting a burden on my shoulder, they opened a wide room in my heart. As if they are saying, "Look, you can feel stressful at moments, but as we did you are going to do all well." 

Nia M Wardani
Hi! Call me Nia. I am a former teacher with ten years of teaching experience. I left formal teaching and found my peace through private tutoring, blogging, and gardening. My mission is to help other teachers improve their lives. Let's get in touch through my Instagram @nmwardani

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