Nia M Wardani | A Logbook of Life Discoveries

Flipthrough My 2020 Bullet Journals

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2020 Bullet Journal Flipthrough

2020 ends within seconds. I would like to invite you to see together my 2020 through the flipthrough of my 2020 bullet journals.

If you are not familiar with the bullet journal system, you can refer to my previous post about my 2019-2020 academic year bullet journal set up. In that article you will also read about the basics of bullet journalling and some sample pages from my 2019-2020 bullet journal.

My 2020 Bullet Journals

My bullet journals evolve with time. It changes according to my needs at that moment. This year only, I use three different notebooks throughout the year. On each notebook, the layouts, the styles, and the system are different.

The first one, the black one with stickers on the cover, is the one I posted in the previous article. It was a dotted pages notebook. I used it from July 2019 to April 2020. It covered most of my 2019-2020 academic year minus May-June. It was the most packed bullet journal I have ever had that it covers almost one full year. Maybe because the dotted pages make me write smaller and also I divided the daily log pages into two with a horizontal line.

The second notebook is the mint one “How to be you”. I got this notebook from my graduation from Ibu Profesional Matriculation Batch 7. The pages are plain with no lines, or grid, or dot, but colorful papers. There are several designed pages at the beginning: some quotes, success version, goals, reading list, and ready to use calendar. I used this notebook from May 2020 to the beginning of November. I was not very much comfortable with the pages, though. I preferred the dotted pages so my handwriting looks more tidy. That’s why I decided to buy another dotted notebook for November and December, the red one.

As I was planning this post, I was surprised how much memories I recorded in my notebooks. 2020 is indeed special. It is impossible for me to show you and tell you the stories behind each page in one single post. So I will show you some pages, and tell the other stories in a different post.

January 2020

My theme was sakura or cherry blossoms. I already showed some pages on the 2019-2020 bullet journal post. The daily logs are packed with to-do lists and meeting notes. It was so packed that I needed to gather myself. These quote I recorded, when i was having a meeting with my colleagues.
January quote bullet journal
January quote

February 2020

I read a passage in the Qur'an. It gives me the spirit to move forward when I was not feeling well with work. It says:

“... ˹We ordered:˺ “Work gratefully, O family of David!” ˹Only˺ a few of My servants are ˹truly˺ grateful.”

When I feel like I want to quit, I read the passage again. I am working not for getting some wealth, I reminded myself. I am working because I want to be a grateful servant of God.

In February, my mother fell sick. Alhamdulillah she is okay now, I even forgot she had gotten that sick. I wrote a note in February about it.

February quote bullet journal

March 2020

End of the world. No, no. Alhamdulillah I am still alive. This is when the coronavirus striked. I wrote a post about it, if you would like to read.

We still got our school celebration, though. Just before the school administration sent everyone home. And I still keep the thank you card from the students in the bullet journal.

Semesta Day Thank You Card from students
Thank you card

April 2020

Marked the beginning of Ramadan. Maybe the saddest Ramadhan ever for everybody {?). I spent all of my time at home, not going anywhere due to the pandemic. This month also I start to take gardening seriously. I studied about garden design, mulching, composting, etc.

gardening notes
Gardening notes

May 2020

What happened in May? I was focused on Ramadan. I joined some online events. Maybe I will post about them later.

June 2020

I bought my dream raincoat, finally. I waited for several months for it to be available. My husband and I also started a project building fence around the house. I track the expense on the project.

raincoat discount card
Dream raincoat discount card

July 2020

It is the beginning of the new academic year 2020-2021. We still have everything online. I became dissatisfied with my July bullet journal system. I changed the layout and system several times a month. Well, everyone has their down time, I guess. And I can see it on the pages in my notebook.

August 2020

This is the first time I developed the hybrid system. So I combined bullet journal with Google Calendar. But at that time, I still printed my calendar and stuck it to my bullet journal. I found that this is ineffective, though. Since online teaching requires me to change the calendar very often.

I did quite a lot of reflection notes this month. July was rough. August is the time to relearn. I reread the original book of the bullet journal system by Ryder Carroll. And I feel better after reading that.

august spread
My August calendar

September 2020

Somehow I chose gold as my theme color. Gold? Why gold? Looking at it now I can’t believe I choose gold. I even bought a gold flower-patterned washi tape! That is not very much like Nia. At that time, I think I just wanted to be more feminine and cheerful? And hedonistic? LOL.

October 2020

I began to manage. Thankfully I got admitted to the first batch of the Blogspedia Coaching program. I rediscovered my blogging styles, thanks to coach Marita. I began to take blogging seriously. Blogging heals, somehow. It also shows me that I need to find myself and build my personal branding.

November - December 2020

I continue to develop the hybrid system. But this time, I don’t print the Google Calendar. It is already connected to my phone and my chromebook, so I can check them anytime. But I try to limit it. It only serves as my future log. My daily logs stay in the bullet journal. I keep it as simple as possible, like the original bullet journal system.

Adding Google Calendar to the hybrid system helps me a lot. It is like the control center while I am doing online activities, including teaching and blogging. I can add meeting links, other links, and notes to the event description. It also serves as my content plan for blogging also for my online bookstore.

That is a flipthrough of my 2020 bullet journals. You may say it is not a real flipthrough because i just show you some pictures (Maybe i should make a flipthrough video on YouTube. What do you say about that?). I hope you enjoy it anyway. See you in the next post.
Nia M Wardani
Hi! Call me Nia. I am a former teacher with ten years of high school physics teaching experience. I left formal teaching and found my peace through private tutoring, blogging, and gardening. Let's get in touch through my Instagram @nmwardani

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1 comment

  1. It's so cool, I think I have to adopt your journals.
    Thank you for sharing the good inspirations


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