Nia M Wardani | A Logbook of Life Discoveries

Flipthrough My 2021 Bullet Journals

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I can’t believe 2021 will be ending soon. I can’t say 2021 is my favorite year, but there are always ups and downs in life, right?

I would like to invite you to see some pages from my 2021 bullet journals. This year I used 2 notebooks. The red one I continued to use from November 2020 to July 2021 and the black one I used from July 2021 to December 2021. Both have dotted pages and rather light cream colored papers, so they are very comfortable to use as bullet journals.

Each month has different layouts and styles. Somehow as I flipthrough the pages today, I can see that the styles actually represent my state of mind at that moment.

I started the 2021 pages with a very simple welcome cover page. I wrote this to remind myself that the year has just passed. I started it with bismillah (in the name of God) hoping that 2021 would be a kind year for me.

Just on the next page, is the 2021 Goals. I loved to have reflections at the end of the year, looking back at the goals and note which goals I have accomplished. This gives me a sense of progress. So even if the year feels rough, I can look back and even a small goal achieved is a relief for me. It notes that I am a better person than yesterday.

January 2021.

I just realized that making a cover page with a small calendar and some notes on certain dates helps me to reflect on what activities I have done in that certain month. Why did I stop making this? I don’t know, I think I should make them again in 2022.

January is the start of semester 2. When I began to be busy again, but fun. Together with the student literacy club in our school, we arranged a Folktale Telling Competition for our school anniversary. I was also involved in a scholarship test for our school. Both were done online for primary and lower secondary students.

In January I made quite a lot of trackers: gardening trackers, habit tracker, worship tracker, bookstore tracker, money trackers, which at the end I only used some of them. So I minimize them in the next months and I used only what works for me.

My daily spread in January is somewhat very simple and compact. Each page is divided into two and I wrote my bullets straight downward linearly.

At the end page of January, I stick a note card from my friend, Indah. She sent me a book entitled #Jangan Terserah. Which I haven’t finished until today (Shall I just finish it today and make a review?) This book is honestly interesting.

February 2021.

Again I have this interesting cover page with a mini calendar. I had only one tracker for worship, not much. And a blog plan. Daily spread layouts are almost similar to that of January. But I noticed, in terms of writing I was very productive! I can see some long notes I made. A vow to publish a book on 18 February 2022 (wait for it!) Here are some quotes that I wrote in February 2021.

March 2021.

1 year after the lockdown. Praise to God, we are still alive. May the ones that died from the corona virus be granted the best place in heaven.

I didn’t have many notes from March. Just regular daily bullets and meeting notes.

I love this month's cover page, though. The color yellow revives happiness each time my eyes fall on it. The lettering style of march I tried to learn writing for quite some time is not perfect, but satisfying enough for me.

April 2021

April is filled with my Ramadhan notes, worship tracker, and regular daily bullets. I also can’t remember much of April. I guess my life was in some other world. Lol.

May 2021

When I planned the cover of May, I was thinking of filling the whole page with prayers. I didn’t finish writing them, though. Something is bothering me, obviously. I didn’t write much. Not even a single quote. But I made a SEO on page checklist at the end page of May.

June 2021

Okay, I remember why May was so bothering. Because the deadline for score submission of the final reports was June 2nd! Lol. See, this is how bujo works. It checks you!

Starting June, I experiment with a different layout. I divided the pages into two different width. Ratio 1:2. The more narrow part I used to write the to-do list for the month. The wider part I used for normal bujoing. The bujo indeed looks tidy, but I admit that there is lots of space left blank for the purpose.

I also tried new style for dates. It looks like a mini daily calendar, if you get my point.

July 2021

I love the cover of July 2021. I love doodling, even though I am bad at giving colors to it. I got the inspiration for this cover from pinterest, but I am sorry I didn't save the links. Pinterest is one way out if you are stuck on inspirations or if you want to try something new. Bujo community out there is so creative.

I migrated to the new notebook in the middle of July. I love migration. The new pages, blank papers give you a sense of freshness.

I still use the 1:2 ratio as in June.

August 2021

I started to really track my budgets in August since I bought a new car. There is loan to pay. There is maintenance and operational fee. The car obviously takes quite a portion from my salary obviously.

The sun on the cover represent my days in August. My heart was felt with excitement to the new car. We call the car kuro neko meaning the black cat in Japanese. The color is black, and it stays in front of our house, just like the cats that stays in front of our house every morning.

September 2021

September reminded me of my university years in Turkey. We started the term on September, when the leaves on the trees turn golden. The earth floors was also all covered with the fallen leaves. I walked passed the trees from my house to campus everyday. The golden leaves made me smile, even on my rough days.

September 2021 gave me quite some pressure. Just remembering the golden leaves falling with the wind, make me optimistic. If I can pass those years, I will pass this one nicely, too. Everything is gonna be just OK when the time comes.

October 2021

Octopus shares the name with October. See? Octo.

November 2021

Can you guess what is in the cover page of November? No, not coconut leaves. Those are mint leaves. I took a pot of mint plants from my mother in laws' s house. It smells really good in teas.  Well, the plant almost died due to overwatering (not me, it's the rain!), but since I moved the pot in shaded area, it regrows very very well.

Humans are not that easy to be broken, pals. We may fall, but we rise. Like mint leaves, even if you cut it to the base, as long as you still have the roots, mint will regrow. As long as we still remember our roots, our real purpose of being a human, we will flourish one day. Just believe in yourself.

December 2021

I indeed learned a lot of things in December. My pages are all covered with lecture notes from my professional development and teacher certification programs.

Wow, that's a long post!

I am sorry I couldn't post many of my daily pages. Because most are lecture notes and meeting notes I could show to public. I hope to make a review of some lecture notes in different posts. And maybe add some doodling while reviewing them. :)

I hope 2022 will be better than 2021. With new notebook, new spirit, new perspective. See you in 2022 flipthrough in December 2022. 
Nia M Wardani
Hi! Call me Nia. I am a former teacher with ten years of teaching experience. I left formal teaching and found my peace through private tutoring, blogging, and gardening. My mission is to help other teachers improve their lives. Let's get in touch through my Instagram @nmwardani

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